Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Mahogany Table

Why are you here?  I recognize these faces, but not with my eyes.

A curved table edged in gilt rises from the center of a cavernous room
      both golden hued and awash in shadows
Night after Night you Bring me here.
I am Honored to dine with you, But saddened when Daylight breaks,.shattering with the Darkness the Memories of the Things we discussed. 

Why am I here? My physical visage is the youngest among the room.

Are you the collaboration of the child whose finger in the Dyke will keep my Walls in Place for Me?
Or are you the Water itself? Coaxing me to allow gentle Passage,...
Are you my Counsel? Or am I a Part of a Counsel,..

I am not upset by the loss of sleeping respite,.only curiouser and curiouser to gain parcel on Understanding

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