Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wrested in the Arm of Unrest

It falls heavy like rain on the seeds of peaceful slumber. A passion planted; quenched not of thirst but quenched of its first budding evening leaves. 

Be quiet Soul. Ask not whispered questions. Heart do not pound. 

Love has no window,.for there is no lock or knob or glass that exists within the skies which wings imploring of love do fly. 

Insane; the effect it has.
Inexplicable; the way it causes my body to throb and pulse both in joy and in trepidation.

I knew not worship before I knew not love.

Cruel masters make dogs of froth and teeth or of cower and trembling fur. 
No master have I, because it is willingly I place myself upon this post.

Take not for granted the ease of my supplication. Do not see my silken armor as a weakness; easily pierced.
My eyes are open and see within the All. 

Like a fox, I am easily tamed by a beloved devoted master
Like a fox,.I watch the movements of your hands and the intentions of your gaze
Like a fox,..At the slightest wavering flag of ill intent I will parlay my heels and be eyes once again that watch in silence from the shadows.

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